You have now read Macbeth and watched a production of it. After Thanksgiving you will begin working on your own production. I'd like you to answer these three questions.
1. Do you like Shakespeare more now than you did before we started it?
2. Did the Interactive Notebook help you in your understanding? Did it help you stay more organized? Would it be more helpful if I did this for everything?
3. How much of the blame should be placed on Macbeth and how much on the witches?
Have a great Thanksgiving Break.
Mr. Lunn
In the Net: On Fish and Farming, Facts and Fear
6 years ago
1. I don't know that I would say I like Shakespeare better, but this was definitely the best play I've ever read of his. I actually liked it and it was much better than his "Romeo and Juliet".
2.The Interactive Notebook was very helpful. The timeline helped the most because it was easy to go back and review what we had read a long time ago. It was organized and easy to find every section. I think it depends if we should use it based on what we are reading about. For bigger stories like this, we should use it.
3. All of the blame should be placed on Macbeth. The witches did their job and just told Macbeth what would happen in the future. They had no control what was going to happen, they were just able to see it. They actually helped him. Macbeth should have used this to his advantage, but took the wrong steps and played it dumb. He went into the last battle with Macduff thinking evryone was "of woman born", but did not think of a possible C-section. This was the case with Macduff and it ended up costing Macbeth his life.
1. I would say that I like Shakespeare just as much as I did before. It is still confusing and I need help understanding it. It is a good plot but I would not say that I like Shakespeare any better than i did before.
2. I really liked the interactive notebook. The quote sheat will come in handy when I go and write my paper. The timeline really helped because I can now go back and see what happened in what act. It kept me so orginazed and I think we should use interactive notebooks more often.
3. I think they both need to take the blame. Macbeth made all of his own decisions but if the witches didn't tell him his future, it wwould have turned out differently. When the witches told him that no man born of a woman could harm him made Macbeth believe that no one in the world could harm him. If the witches kept their mouths shut none of this would have happened.
1. I still don't like Shakespeare that much, but I definitely gained a little more respect for him after this play. This play was a lot better than the others I have read of his, but it still wasn't something that I would read again.
2. I think the interactive notebook was pretty useful. Although it seemed somewhat inconvenient sometimes to pull it out in the middle of reading, the notebook allows you to go back and remember your thoughts from when you were reading. This can be useful, especially in a time like this, when we go on break, and we probably will talk about Macbeth when we get back.
3. The witches should not take any of the blame for what happened to Macbeth. Macbeth should be responsible for all of it. Instead of just listening to the prophecies and letting things happen as they should, Macbeth tried to take matters into his own hands, and it got him killed. I'm not saying that he would not have gotten killed anyway, but maybe it would have been way farther down the road, and maybe his change in attitude is the reason that the second set of prophecies were so bad.
1. I can honestly say I like Shakespeare less than I did before. I liked reading Romeo and Juliet freshman year but I really didn't like Macbeth at all.
2. I thought the Interactive Notebook was somewhat helpful. It really helped me when we used the time line, character list, and vocab page. Other than that I really didn't think it helped that much but I think if we did those three things on everything we did it would help.
3. I think all of the blame should be placed on Macbeth. The witches really took no part in him turning into a bloodthirsty man. They only told him what was going to happen. He was the one who chose to go crazy and take all of those innocent peoples lives. If anyones to blame in this play it is definitely Macbeth.
1. I never really liked Shakespeare. And Macbeth just made it worse because they story was boring and only had one or two action parts in it.
2.The interactive notebook was helpful because all of your work was in one spot and could be found fast.
3.All of the blame should be put on Macbeth because it was his choice and he could have become king in the future even if he did not kill King Duncan. The witches just told him what the future was going to be, they did not tell him that he would kill the king or anything else
1. I definitely don't like Shakespeare better now than I did before we read and watched "Macbeth", but I did enjoy
"Macbeth" more than his other plays.
2. I think that the interactive Notebook was helpful. It helped me understand the quotes and the timeline helped dissect what was going on in the play. It kept everything really organized and we should definitely do it more often.
3. I think that some of the blame should be placed on the witches because if they hadn't told Macbeth of his future, then it probably would've happened in a more civil way. But most of the blame goes to Macbeth because he did everything by choice; killing the king, killing banquo, etc. He could've waited for the witches' predictions to come true, but he took things into his own hands instead.
1. I don't think i like Shakespeare more. It was still boring and kind of confusing.
2. I think the interactive notebook did help me to understand hte play better. It definatly helped me stay more organized because when you asked us to do somthing I wouldn't loose all the work we did. It might help for some of the things we do but I don't think it would work for everything.
3. I think that all the blame should be on Macbeth. He could have just ignored them and lived his life but he tried to make things happen that the witches said would happen. The witches were just doing what they do and Macbeth didn't take all the things the witches said seriously so all the blame should be on Macbeth.
1. i'm not a fan of shakespeare, but macbeth was a little more interesting compared to Romeo And Juliet for sure.
2. The interactive notebook was extremely useful. I think that without it i would have been really lost and not know whats going on throughout the play. I deffently think we should use something like this more often. it helps.
3. truthfully no, not all the blame should be put on Macbeth. The witches had a lot to do with it because they told him he was destined to become king, and it drove him power-hungry to achieve that foresight. truely i think most of it is lady Macbeth's fault!
1. I didn't like Shakespeare at all before I saw macbeth I had a hard time understanding what what was going on but the movie gave me a better understanding.
2. The Interactive Notebook helped me when we were reading the book because it gave me a summery of what happend. with the timeline i could see what act scenes were in and the importance of the act
3.Macbeth should take the blame for every thing that happend to him and to the others who were effected by him. the witches were just trying to help him out which lead to his downfall
1. Yes i like Shakespeare better now than before we started it.
2. The interactive notebook helped me a lot. It not only helped me stay organized but it made it a lot easier to read older facts about Macbeth when we read it. We should use the interactive notebook for more stories in the future.
3. i would say about 90% of the blame should be put on Macbeth because he did not have to kill the king to become the king, and 10% of the blame should be put on the witches for telling Macbeth what would happen, and causing him to become power hungry.
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