You need to do research over the Middle Ages. Look at the following websites and take notes in your notebook. When you have completed this, leave a comment about what you have read. You are responsible for all of the material on these websites.
For this website, I'd like you just to read about the Black Death.
I know that this might take longer this week, but the last couple have been pretty short.
Have FUN!!!
In the Net: On Fish and Farming, Facts and Fear
6 years ago
I have read that in the Middle Ages, in exchange for the lord's peasants working on his land, he privdes his peasants protection. In that case, both of them win something out of the situation. I also learned that the Black Disease got it's name from the blackish color that you get on your glands when they swell up.
I learned that some churches had instruments such as organs and bells. The organistrum or symphony was also found in churches. Two people were required to play the symphony, there was one to turn the crank and another to play the keys.
I learned that in the middle ages, people stayed safe by forming small communities called manors. These were isolated with farms and shelters. The king also awarded his peasants, so they were not treated like slaves. I also learned that the black disease was spread by fleas infested with viruses from rats, in which case the rat, the flea, and the person all die.
I've heard of the black death many times but haven't known what it is or how it got it's name. It's interesting how the deaese got transfered.
I learned a lot from reading the websites. The Black Death sounds like a horrible way to die. The unsanitary ways of the middle ages is what allowed that disease to be passed around. The people did not have anywhere to put there trash and did not know what caused diseases or how to fix them. Most of the clothing worm was wool and most of the time people lived in small communites with a church, castle, farmland, and a village.
After searching through the website I came to learn a lot. Long ago the houses were very damp, cold, and dark. There were only little windows where the people on the inside could see out, but were purposefully made so the people on the outside cannot see in. I also learned that the sanitation in the towns was very poor. People started to throw their garbage in the streets, which caused a lot of health problems in the end for people.
During the Middle Ages people formed small communities for saftey. Most lived on a manor usually consists of a castle, church, village and farm lands which were usually isolated. The Black Death sounds disgusting and terrifying. The swelling lymph nodes expand until they pop causing death.
I have learned a lot from reading about the middle ages. People in this time period were very unsanitary which led to the bubonic plague, otherwise known as the "black death". I was surprised to know that the rats, fleas, and human all die when infected with the disease. It was interesting to find out how the bubonic plague got its nickname as well.
I have read that about the Middle Ages and how they had lord's and peasants. I also read about the Black Plauge, it was a disease that killed both women and men as while as the childern. it was something that rats got and sent it on the the humans which they passed as well.
Emily Holifield
After reading through the websites on the Middle Ages, i came to learn a lot about it. It seemed as though the people living during these times lived a very unsanitary life which caused many diseases to be spread. One of the many deathly diseases during this time was one known as the Black Death, which sounds scary just in its name. It deals with lymph nodes being infecting and swelling up. I also learned that most people living during this time period lived in small communities for safety, mostly living in something called a manor.
I learned that people would form small communities where everything they needed was right there. They did this for safety so that they could isolate themselves from the outside. I also learned that the black death gets its name because of the black coloring of the swelling around the lymph nodes.
Erin Creelman
As I was reading the websites, I learned alot of new information. During the Middle Ages, people stayed safe by forming small communities. The King treated his peasants very well, instead of treating them horrible. I learned that during the Black Plague, diseases were spread from rats.There were many symptoms caused from the black plague, such as aching limbs and high fevers.
It is easy to see why an entire manor could be wiped out so easily. Since the Black Plague spread quickly and killed people within a few days, it seems that a small area could easily fall very quickly to the disease. It was interesting to see how important the Catholic Church was to the manors and how large it was in the daily lives of everyone. The feudal system seems to be centered around the church.
I learned that in the middle ages the king had peasant that worked on his land, which are the group of people with no power, and very poor. The king provided protection for the peasants for all their hard work. I also learned that the black death was a widely spread disease transferred by rats. It was interesting to learn that it decreased the nation's population by a third.
I learned that there were peasants that worked for the king. Peasants are people that don't have any power. They stayed safe by forming small communities.
I learned that the Black death first came from fleas. They then landed on rats and other small rodents and slowly moved up to human hosts. I it's nasty that people were so unsanitary.
I learned many things from this reading. Two of the most interesting things I learned were that women who lived in these times were very busy. These women were not only expected to raise kids,keep the house clean and do all the work that the men did. I also learned that the vintage version of a security system was having small windows. The houses were built like this so that you could look outside but the ouside couldnt look in. They also did this because the windows were too small for anyon to get in so they could leave them open to cool down but were still safe.
After reading the first website i thought it was pretty interesting that they traded things like coal and timber for luxury items. I also found the part about the 4 humors to be kind of odd. The article about the bubonic plague was kind of gross especially how it is transfered by fleas which kinda made me think that many other things could be transferred that way.
I learned that it would really suck to live in this Middle Ages unless you were in the upper class. If you were a peasent or a "Serf" life was nothing but doing someone elses dirty work just to live. Even if you were upper class, you still had to worry about not contracting the black death and die a horrible death. Besides all of that the Middle Age sound like a pretty cool time period.
I learned that for safety and defense, people in the middle ages formed small communities around a central lord. I also learned that most people in the middle ages wore woolen clothes, with linen undergarments.
I learned a lot of interesting new information. The black plague(one among many diseases of the time period) was a vicious disease that ravaged many towns and communities. The infected person's lymph nodes would swell up and explode eventually, very gruesome.
During the middle ages, the lord's peasants worked on his land, and he provided them with protection. So they are both actually getting somthing out of this. The black disease was causing the rats,fleas and humans to die, which was suprising to me.
I learned that in the middle ages, the king gave away land to nobles, barons, and bishops in return for soldiers for the army. I also learned that people who were sick meditated for relief from their sickness.
Chelsea Byrnes
I have learned that in the Middle Ages, some lived in the manor which consisted of a castle, church, village, and surrounding farmland. They would do this to stay safe and to defend themselves. I also learned about a grim disease called Black Death. This was where organisms would infect rodents that would then move freely to infect humans. The rats would die from their stomachs getting blocked and then starvation. Humans would die from their glands swelling and then bursting.
I read that serfs would work for an upper class person or "lord" and get land in return for their services. On the other web page i read that the black death had caused a swelling that had a blackish tint, and that's how it got its nickname.
I have learned that the Black Disease was spread by fleas that got the disease from infected rats. Also that the swelling was black and the rats, fleas and even humans would die. Another fact I learned was that the the people formed small communities for saftey.
This is Drew. I learned from reading this that the lord was also caled "demesne". The serfs were not nessisarily slaves because the actually got something out of all their hard work. I learned from the black death that the reson for the name was because of swelling that had a blackish color. The black death was not only spred by rats, but from a veriety of diferent rodents. I also learn that if someone is infected, they usaly go through all the stages of the dissise in three or four days then die. :( That is what I learned from the articals because we went over a lot of the same stuff on wednesday and thursday. :)
I learned that women in Middle ages hunted for food and faught in battles. Women had to learn how to use weapons to defend homes or castles. The black death website I learned that once you were infected with the disease you would die in three or four days.
A lot of this I already knew from European History class, but I still find much of this information very interesting. I find it fascinating to see how even the most advanced civilizations only a few hundred years ago did not have even the simplest of knowledge and technology we take for granted today. I also like reading about the old feudal government system from the Middle Ages. Modern nations and governments have definately come a long way since then.
People in the middle ages were gross and not sanitary. They would live together in small communities.
The black death gets its name because of the black coloring of the swelling around the lymph nodes.
I think it's crazy how times have changed so much. To think that people were dieing in such cruel ways just seems so wrong. Im glad we do not suffer from the plaque and ruled by and president, congress, and peoples word. Although the king treated his people nicely, it just does not seem like it would be as nice to live then as it is now.
Before reading up on the middle ages I thought women were confined to the house. It was intresting to see that they held jobs outside the home as well. They had jobs such as apothecaries, blacksmiths, merchants, and midwives, and that they also faught in battles and hunted. When reading the second website i found it interesting that the bubonic plague took 3-4 days to take its course.
After reading about the Middle Ages and the Black Plague I could see how the Black Plague killed so many people. The people lived closely in small communities that were unsanitary. Once one person contracted the disease in the community it would be quickly spread and kill everyone in the community. The Black Plague was a terrible way to die because it was so painful and disgusting.
After reading about the black plauge I have discovered about the bubonic plauge. I had never heard the term so it was a switch for me. Also I thought black stood for death and thats why it was called the black plauge not because the sores were actually black.
I learned that the the black plague was spread by rodents. This was due to antibiotics not having been invented. There was very limited medical knowledge. The infected persons had a short time to live after contracting the illness.
I learned that in the middle ages people lived close in small groups for protection. There was one lord who controlled everything and organized the communty. The system was pretty effective and all in all it was very smart. I also learned that the Black Death was a very brutal disease. I did not know that the laphnods in the persons neck turned black and exploded.
I learned that in the Middle Ages people formed small comunitys and lived on manors. I also learned that the Black Death spread by fleas.The disease got it name because when someone got it their glands would turn black.
In the middle ages nearly every one was catholic. The Catholic Church even had its own set of laws. Bishops also played important roles in the government. Homes in the middle ages were cold and dark. If they did have windows they would be very small for security reasons. These small windows would keep people from looking into the house. The crowding of cities made places unhealthy, and the health care system was not adequate. Art and music played a big part in life and churches had instruments such as bells and organs.
The bubonic plague is caused bacillus, which is spread by rodents and fleas. Symptoms are fevers, aching limbs, and vomiting of blood. Lymph nodes swell and burst causing death.
I thought it was interesting how many churches that were built during this time strived to be as high and large as possible. And this ultimately led to the collapse of most of these. I also wonder if there is actually a cure for the black death, or bubonic plague, if it were to begin to spread today.
I read about how the people in the middle ages lived and how they dressed and everything, I read about the bubonic plague and it was interesting to find how it got spread around to humans and how it was easily visible.
Brittany Vigar
Period: 7
This is Craig Leugers and I've learned that the bishops and lords give the king soldiers in return for large amounts of land. Also many people live in manors which were isolated, but there were visits from peddlers and peasants. However, the peasents lived in small damp, cramp homes that only had two rooms and a thatched roof that can be easily wrecked.
I thought that it was really interesting that they formed small communities for safety. I learned that it was spread by rats and fleas and could kill humans which i also found interesting.
I learned that the black pleque was a horrible disease and many people died from it. First fleas infested animals like dogs and other rodents then the fleas got on humans. All of the animals died as well as the humans. During the middle ages the peasants were treated like slaves and women had a difficult place in society no matter what level of the feudal
After reading the health part, I realized how uninformed the people were during the middle ages. They thought that disease could be spread through bad odors and that diseases were contracted because of a bad soul. The doctors also used a potion containg bull fluids and opium.
Gregory Stephen
The sources provided information over many aspects of the middle ages, but did not go into a large amount of detail on any one topic. The sources could have gone more indepth about the black plague and the middle ages. They would have been more interesting and informative if they had analyzed the reercusions more.
After reading these passages, I have learned that people lived on isolated manors in small, dark and cold houses. Catholic was the only religion and there was no good health care system. People believed that disease spread by odors and resulted from sins. Art and music were important and Feudal life declined as trade and commerce grew. The focus of the towns were the marketplaces. Finally, the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) was carried by rodents and spread to humans by fleas. It created black swelling and anyone infected would die within three to four days.
I learned from The Feudal Life article that with exchanging certain things, people got what they wanted. Like the king, would always have someone to work his land and be productive because he would offer protection and a place to live to peasants that need protection and a home. Everyone got what they wanted. And they would make small communities to make sure of it. From The Black Death, I learned more about the gruesome disease, like how the parts that swelled up would eventually burst causing death. And it sounds absolutely terrible.
Rach Hensley
The middle ages were a dark and gloomy period. Many times the homes of people contained either no windows i'd very slim windows that do not allow people on the outside to look in. People wore a lot of wool clothing. The main religion was cathoilic and every manor had a church on it. Once people started trading their belongings the feudal system ended and more of a market system was established. the bubonic plague was also known as the black death. It was carried by fleas and enflamed the lymph nodes until they exploded and you died.
I read that in the middle ages people formed small communities called manors to stay safe. They were protected by farms and houses. The black death sounds like a bad disease and not a good way to die. The black death sounds disgusting because people were not very clean back then
As bad as the Bubonic plague was, the positive side is it was only a 3-4 day disease. Medical knowledge should have been prioroity number one instead of their army. The fuedal system was not a very good system. Currency would have made a lot more sense.
For my readings I learned that the Catholism was the dominat religon. Also that the government was run by the people who were at the head of the church such as the priests or archbishops. One thing that struck me to be quite interesting was that the windows in houses were small. So that you could see out but not in. Lastly the plauge seems like an awful way to go out.
After reading the website on the Middle Ages, I learned many things. I did not know that the king gave protection to the peasants, I just thought they were pretty much on their own. Also, I have learned about the Black Death before, but I didn't know how it got its name. But after reading the website about it, I know now. It would be an absolute horrible way to die.
From this reading I have learned that in the Middle Ages the clothing worn by peasants consisted of outer garments and linen underwear. The outer garments were rarely washed where the linen underwear was washed regularly. Also the smell of wood smoke that stuck with the clothes was used as a deodorant. I also learned that symptoms of the black death included swollen lymph nodes.
I learned that lords offered proctection for serfs in small villiages. These usually were very isolated and were made up of a castle, a church, and surrounding farm land.
In the middle ages, people created small communities to form safety from the outside world. This also made it easier because they did not have to go far to get their food and supplies. I also learned alot about the Black Plague, where diseaese was spread by rats. Once of the symptoms was high fever.
It is easy to see why an entire manor could be wiped out so easily. Since the Black Plague spread quickly and killed people within a few days, it seems that a small area could easily fall very quickly to the disease. It was interesting to see how important the Catholic Church was to the manors and how large it was in the daily lives of everyone. The feudal system seems to be centered around the church.
I have learned that the black death was speard by rats and fleas.
I read about the middle Ages that there is a disease that is called black plauge and it kill every one also kids
The middle ages were said to be gloomy, full of disease and really boring
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